Posted on 04-07-2010 08:58 AM
A colleague of mine at another office pointed me to this discussion on the
Apple boards which contains instructions for modifying a Mac OS X Server
10.5.x Software Update Server to host 10.6.x updates. The best part is that
if you are using Casper 7.2 I believe you can skip step 9 and not modify the
client-side plist file as Casper 7.2 sets all the correct info in the
CatalogURL. I'm still running Casper 7.1 due to hardware incompatibility on
my JSS, so I have to deploy a custom plist to my clients so they get the
10.6-specific updates.
(See post 3 by Jan Uschok)
Not sure how helpful this will be to others, but I'm excited to not upgrade
my SUS at this time!
Mike Gentile
Production IT Manager
T 312.666.9200
D 312.260.4966
F 312.260.1984
michael.gentile at
1 North Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60602 USA
Posted on 04-07-2010 09:01 AM
We did this and it worked out great. We did have to mod the client side
plist though.