Posted on 06-13-2008 09:27 AM
Hey all-
Does anyone mount SMB shares at login using kerberized credentials? I'm working on a script to mount user shares as a login policy and haven't gotten it to work because of a gssd failure (error 19777, no kredential cash found, yet I can `klist` and see that I have a ticket). The script works fine after login when run as root manually, but at login it doesn't work. I'm not sure if it is an issue with the su environment, or just a bug.
I figured I'd ask and see what other people are doing to mount SMB shares at login.
PS- Sorry if this is a dup, I sent it before I confirmed joining the list, so I don't think it went, but could be wrong.
Ryan Harter
UW - Stevens Point
Workstation Developer
Ryan.Harter at
Posted on 06-13-2008 09:45 AM
That seems to be what I'm experiencing. Has anyone found a work around?
Ryan Harter
UW - Stevens Point
Workstation Developer
Ryan.Harter at