MS Intune VPP location or only Jamf server token

New Contributor II

Hello, I am moving from MS Intune over to Jamf. We have established VPP connection with Intune already enable. I added the new location for Jamf, and now have two server tokens. Can I use the Jamf server token to establish VPP with Jamf Pro? Do I need to nuke the MS Intune location from Apple first? 


Valued Contributor II

No, you don't need to get rid of the Intune location as you can have two or more locations active in ASM or ABM and each will provide a VPP token. What you can't do is use the same token(Intune in Jamf Pro and vice versa) in both places. You of course need to assign app licenses to each either by buying more or regain the licenses from machines or users that get moved over from Intune.