MS Office 2011 updates

New Contributor II

Unfortunately we are still using Office 2011 and I need to find a way of being able to roll out the latest updates to users.
I get the update in dmg format from MS, and have tried dropping that directly into Casper Admin, and also creating a pkg via Composer, but neither way installs correctly. The most I get is the pkg sitting in Macintosh Hd top level.
Anybody do this successfully please?



Office 2011 and 2016 updates are just PKG files. You can push them out via ARD just like any other PKG file.


Grab your installers through This is a site made by Microsoft employees for Mac administrators with direct links to downloads for Microsoft's software. The site also has links to documentation and scripts made by these employees for various administration needs.

In response to your question, however, I found that the best way to manage updates for Office 2011 is to push the newest version of Microsoft AutoUpdate, the 2016 version, (which you can also grab from their site). With the 2016 version of MAU you can create a profile to enforce automatically downloading and installing new updates as they are released from Microsoft. The site also, as mentioned above, has documentation on creating the profile for deployment.

New Contributor III

I've found that using to download and then copy into Casper Admin to deploy has been the easiest solution for me.

Adding the multiple pkgs to a policy and then deciding on your preferred deployment choice (allloggedout, recurring check-in, etc) should then work fine.

Valued Contributor

Go with what @mlavine said. It's the a great option. If you find after you've enforced this and there are still straggler machines that need to update just grab the PKG from that site and push it.

Contributor II

You want to take the DMG that you download and open it. There is a .pkg installer inside of that. Drag that into Casper Admin to upload it into the JSS. If you just move the .dmg into the jss it won't actually install the software update.

New Contributor II

Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll update once I have success!

New Contributor II

Just to confirm...

Opening the downloaded update dmg and then dragging into Casper Admin worked a treat.
Thanks everyone.