Posted on 05-15-2020 01:27 AM
Hi All,
Is it possible to use a plist file to push out a bookmark folder with multiple subfolders?
Any advice will be appreciated, and any advice on learning docs such as tutorials on plist files would also be much appreciated
Posted on 05-15-2020 06:51 AM
Hi @jaroma ,
Yes it is possible! Google has it's bookmark scheme outlined here: ManagedBookmarks.
I used ProfileCreator to make my initial I then opened the plist in BBedit (personal preference, but save the hassle of having to convert the plist to upload).
I adjusted the Bookmark plist setting with the toplevel_name key value (you'd probably also use the children key value).
Since I needed my bookmarks to be on every user's machine, I uploaded the plist into Application & Custom Settings in Configuration Profiles.
You'd use a slightly different method if you'd like user's to be able to edit the Bookmarks.
Posted on 06-01-2021 06:52 AM
Thanks @shaquir we decided against it in the end, wish I came across your response sooner ha!