Posted on
04:07 PM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
We're using Jamf Pro 10.50 on prem in an educational environment.
In the past we have used the MUT to assign devices to specific users. As soon as the device is assigned, the MDM automatically creates an EDU profile configuration and installs it on the device so that the user is able to use Apple classroom as either a teacher or student - whatever their account specifies.
Now, if we use the MUT for a device assignment, it appears to properly assign the device to the user and apps/polices/etc work appropriately for the assigned user, but the EDU config is not installed on the device.
If we manually (find object, Inventory, User & Location, search for user and save change there) assign the device to the same user, it then creates and installs the EDU config on the device.
Has anyone else seen this or does anyone have ideas on what is going on? @mlev
The log looks normal.
I downloaded clean templates.
It does appear to have set the device name and username as we set in the CSV used.
I suspect this changed when we upgraded from Jamf Pro 10.42 but I'm not positive on that.
Posted on 01-22-2024 11:51 AM
I am having a similar issue and we are using a cloud hosted instance of Jamf Pro. When this happens, If I click on the assigned device and go to User and Location, select the Edit button on the right, and then leave the Username in the blank as it appears, but click search, and then click save. This works almost every time for us, however, this is only a work around and still requires lots of work to do this for every device that that I assign using Mut. I only see this on the mass uploads from Mut. I am usually only doing 16 or so devices at a time. If I assign the device manually, EDU pushes normally.
Posted on 01-23-2024 12:47 PM
What we have been doing to help recently and may be a little quicker for you is to manually unassign and re-assign a device. It then magically makes everything on that mut upload work.
It looks like:
Grab serial of first device on mut list you just ran,
Go to it and User and Location,
Clear out all fields and save,
Edit again,
Manually enter username and search for user again,
Then everything else that was in that mut upload suddenly works. Weird, but working for us.
Posted on 03-06-2024 05:46 PM
That is Very strange. What happens if instead of an edit and manual assign, you do an Update Inventory? (We are connected to LDAP and collect updated LDAP data on every Update Inventory - so please report on that as well)
Did you create a support ticket?
When you checked the logs, did you turn debug mode on? Maybe also turn statement logging on as well…
Posted on 04-29-2024 04:30 PM
It is strange.
An update inventory doesn't cut it. We tried that.
We are connected to on prem AD so changes to AD sync to Jamf with each update inventory.
I have had a case open and they were unable to resolve. While working with Jamf support we did enable debug and I think statement logging but I'm not 100% sure on that statement logging and it still didn't help find anything we could find to use to resolve.
We're going to update server and Jamf Pro version again soon hoping that version update fixes it.
Posted on 02-09-2024 02:37 PM
Have you been able to find a fix or to pinpoint the cause for this yet?
Posted on 02-09-2024 02:55 PM
Nothing at all.
We're planning a Jamf Pro update in the next several weeks. Hopefully it changes behavior, but so far nothing.
Posted on 08-13-2024 08:50 AM
AArond, Was you or anyone else able to fix this issue? I am setting up 1450 devices today and I am getting stuck with this issue yet again. I have reported it numerous times with no solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance
Posted on 08-14-2024 08:53 AM
We have not resolved the root issue.
We also haven't upgraded our instance yet.
The best our team figured out is that resubmitting the same file through mut often helps a second or third time.
It is definitely slowing us down still.
Posted on 08-14-2024 08:56 AM
Thank you for the update. I will try to resubmit the MUT file as you have suggested. It has definitely slowed progress for my team as well. I have opened another ticket with JAMF and will post back here if anything is actually resolved. We are on a cloud based instance so an update is not an option for us at this time.
Posted on 08-14-2024 09:00 AM
Thanks for updating us if you hear anything new.
@mlev developed MUT and has been active here in the past so I was hoping he would chime in but no luck there so far.
Posted on 08-15-2024 11:59 AM
The MUT is just leveraging existing API commands, so this is most likely a Jamf issue..
I occasionally need to assign a grade level of students to their new leased iPads, and I use MUT. I have not experienced this. In fact I assigned 70ish students to iPads this morning with MUT. It took 35 minutes, but the EDU profile install commands are now pending.