MVM / Foundstone deployment and scanning functionality

New Contributor

I wanted to seek some assistance from anyone with experience running into deploying or allowing Foundstone to scan Macs across an enterprise network. This is something completely new to me and not sure how to properly set-up systems for this.

Scripting/coding is a bit beyond me and not sure if its required for them to run their tests...
I think the requirements are SSH and a read only user account to be able to perform the scan

We currently do not have casper, but are looking at ways to do this with and without Casper if possible.

any input or thoughts people may have went through on this?


New Contributor

I gained a bit more information regarding McAfee Vulnerability Manager /Foundstone and wanted to follow-up with some of the questions I had prior;

Does this service actually provide any useful purpose for scanning, patch management, etc?

How does one create a read-only user account to log-in or are there other methods to providing access to the security operations for this?
-I know with casper you can create an admin account with a randomized admin password, but is that even a good solution?
