3 weeks ago
I migrated over to S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. late last year (ok...the company didn't even have any type of policy in place...it was the wild Wild West over here...). I am sure that this script is not perfect in anyway, but it is working for me, so I thought I would share it in case anyone starting out would like a starting point. For you seasoned admins, any feedback on better improvement(s) is greatly appreciated!
# Writen by: Scott E. Kendall
# Last Revision: 01/10/2025
# Execute Superman script with passed parameters from JAMF
# Options include Allow on minor updates, install major updates (speicific versions) and donwload only
# Parm #4 - Update Type (Major, Minor, Download, Defer, Reset)
# Parm #5 - Force OS Version
# Parm #6 - Deferral Time (in minutes)
# Parm #7 - Deferral Count
# Parm #8 - Deadline Date
# Parm #9- Icon path
# Parm #10- Test Mode On/Off
export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin
LoggedInUser=$(echo "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | scutil | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )
UserDir=$(dscl . -read /Users/${LoggedInUser} NFSHomeDirectory | awk '{ print $2 }' )
JAMFClientID="<ClientID here>"
JAMFSecret="<Secret here>"
DeferralCountSoft=$(( DeferralCount+1 ))
[[ "${DeadlineDate}" == "" ]] && DeadlineDate=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")
DeadLineSoftDate=$(date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d" "${DeadlineDate}" +%Y-%m-%d)
# "Global" variables
platform=$(uname -p)
logDir="/Library/Application Support/logs"
logStamp=$(echo $(date +%Y%m%d))
logFile="${logDir}/Superman_OS_Install_${logStamp} (${platform}).log"
CommandString=" ${TestMode}"
# Functions
function create_log_directory ()
# Ensure that the log directory and the log files exist. If they
# do not then create them and set the permissions.
# RETURN: None
# If the log directory doesnt exist - create it and set the permissions
[[ ! -d "${logDir}" ]] && mkdir -p "${logDir}"
chmod 775 "${logDir}"
# If the log file does not exist - create it and set the permissions
[[ ! -f "${logFile}" ]] && touch "${logFile}"
chmod 644 "${logFile}"
function logMe ()
# Basic two pronged logging function that will log like this:
# 202-12-04 12:00:00: Some message here
# This function logs both to STDOUT/STDERR and a file
# The log file is set by the $LOG_FILE variable.
# RETURN: None
echo "${1}" 1>&2
echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): ${1}" >> "${logFile}"
# Main Script
# Make sure Superman is installed first
if [[ ! -e /usr/local/bin/super ]]; then
logMe "S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. is not installed...installing now"
jamf policy -trigger ${JAMFPolicy}
sleep 5
super --test-mode-off --workflow-disable-relaunch
# Build the super command string
if [[ "${osInstallType:l}" != "download" ]]; then
CommandString+=" --display-notifications-centered=ALWAYS"
CommandString+=" --dialog-timeout-power-required=1800"
CommandString+=" --dialog-timeout-user-auth=600"
CommandString+=" --dialog-timeout-user-choice=600"
ComamndString+=" --dialog-timeout-user-schedule=600"
CommandString+=" --dialog-timeout-soft-deadline=600"
CommandString+=" --display-hide-background=DEADLINE"
#CommandString+=" --auth-jamf-client=${JAMFClientID}"
#CommandString+=" --auth-jamf-secret=${JAMFSecret}"
CommandString+=" --dialog-timeout-default=600"
CommandString+=" --display-icon-file='${IconPath}'"
CommandString+=" "${VerboseMode}
CommandString+=" --auth-credential-failover-to-user"
case "${osInstallType:l}" in
"download" )
logMe "Download only of OS (${osForceVersion}) for prestage purposes"
CommandString+=" --workflow-only-download"
CommandString+=" --install-macos-major-upgrades"
[[ ! -z "${osForceVersion}" ]] && CommandString+=" --install-macos-major-version-target="${osForceVersion}
"minor" )
logMe "Installing minor updates immediately"
CommandString+=" --install-macos-major-upgrades-off"
CommandString+=" --install-non-system-updates-without-restarting"
CommandString+=" --install-macos-major-version-target=X"
CommandString+=" --workflow-only-download-off"
CommandString+=" --workflow-install-now"
CommandString+=" --workflow-disable-relaunch"
"major" )
logMe "Installing Major OS update immediately"
CommandString+=" --workflow-only-download-off"
CommandString+=" --install-macos-major-upgrades"
CommandString+=" --workflow-install-now"
CommandString+=" --workflow-reset-super-after-completion"
[[ ! -z "${osForceVersion}" ]] && CommandString+=" --install-macos-major-version-target="${osForceVersion}
CommandString+=" --deadline-count-focus="${DeferralCount}
CommandString+=" --deadline-count-soft="${DeferralCount}
"defer-major" )
logMe "Performing Major Deferral installation"
CommandString+=" --deferral-timer-menu="${DeferralTime}
CommandString+=" --deferral-timer-focus=15"
CommandString+=" --deadline-date-soft="${DeadLineSoftDate}
CommandString+=" --deadline-count-soft="${DeferralCountSoft}
CommandString+=" --deadline-date-focus="${DeadLineDate}
CommandString+=" --deadline-count-focus="${DeferralCount}
CommandString+=" --scheduled-install-user-choice"
CommandString+=" --scheduled-install-reminder=120,60,5"
CommandString+=" --install-macos-major-upgrades"
CommandString+=" --workflow-install-now-off"
CommandString+=" --workflow-only-download-off"
#CommandString+=" --workflow-reset-super-after-completion"
[[ ! -z "${osForceVersion}" ]] && CommandString+=" --install-macos-major-version-target="${osForceVersion}
"defer-minor" )
logMe "Performing Minor Deferral installation"
CommandString+=" --deferral-timer-menu="${DeferralTime}
CommandString+=" --deferral-timer-focus=15"
CommandString+=" --deadline-date-soft="${DeadLineSoftDate}
CommandString+=" --deadline-count-soft="${DeferralCountSoft}
CommandString+=" --deadline-date-focus="${DeadLineDate}
CommandString+=" --deadline-count-focus="${DeferralCount}
CommandString+=" --install-non-system-updates-without-restarting"
CommandString+=" --install-macos-major-version-target=X"
CommandString+=" --install-macos-major-upgrades-off"
CommandString+=" --workflow-install-now-off"
CommandString+=" --workflow-only-download-off"
CommandString+=" --scheduled-install-user-choice"
CommandString+=" --scheduled-install-reminder=120,60,5"
#CommandString+=" --workflow-reset-super-after-completion"
CommandString+=" --workflow-disable-relaunch-off"
"reset" )
logMe "Resetting Superman back to default settings"
CommandString+=" --reset-super"
# Make sure that the icons are loaded first
if [[ ! -z "${IconPath}" ]] && [[ ! -e "${IconPath}" ]]; then
jamf policy -trigger $JAMFIconPolicy
# execute the command
logMe "Executing S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. with the following string: ${CommandString}"
eval "super ${CommandString}"
exit 0
and the corresponding parameters screen that goes along with it:
and a sample with the parameters filled in: