MySQL Database Location?


Trying to upgrade my JSS 9.98 to 9.100 and want to backup the database first. However, I can't seem to locate the database in order to backit up using the JSS Database Utility. I've looked in the database.xml as other's have suggested but there is no database path listed there. I'm running MySQL Server 5.7.

Any ideas?


Contributor II

The default location for mySQL is /usr/local/

The database should be in the data folder in that location


Valued Contributor

@sedwards why do you need the physical path of the database? The JSS database utility talks to the database over the network and dumps the data to a file. The only place where you should ever be asked to select a file path in the Database Utility is where to save the compressed database dump file.

The only information it needs for the database itself is the IP address and login credentials to the MySQL database itself. You should never be touching the actual raw database files.

Esteemed Contributor II

@sedwards As @chriscollins says you don't need to know where the MySQL database is on disk to back up your JSS database with the JSS Database Utility. If you really wanted to know though, on Windows it'd be at %PROGRAMDATA%MySQLMySQL Server 5.7

New Contributor

if you have a file /etc/my.cnf. If so, it should tell you where the data directory is. For example:

My guess is that your mysql might be installed to /usr/local/mysql-XXX.

Not applicable

By default, the datadir is set to /var/lib/mysql in the /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf file. Edit this file to reflect the new data directory: sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

I hope it will be useful for you.