Posted on 12-05-2008 12:16 AM
Ok I did this in the past and for the life of me I cannot remember how.
I am trying to create a netboot image. It will then autolaunch the Casper Imaging tool by placing it in my startup items of the netboot image. I got it all worked out up until... How do I set up the Casper Imaging tool to keep the settings so it installs my Base OS and other packages I want added to the base image on my client mac? Every time it launches from the startup it goes back to default settings. Is there documentation on the jamfsoftware website on how to do this? They talk about it briefly on the Support FAQ's but no links or anything on how to set it up. I am looking for a "zero touch" type solution.
Hope that all makes sense.
Thanks for any of your help.
Posted on 12-05-2008 12:23 AM
That's stored per machine in the autorun data in inventory. So when it runs on one machine it will revert to whatever you used on that machine last. To update this you can select Update Autorun data on JSS or Store info on JSS from casper imaging.
Ryan Harter
UW - Stevens Point
Workstation Developer
Ryan.Harter at
Posted on 12-05-2008 12:28 AM
In the past, I've done the following:1. Set up a configuration with the base
OS and the Casper tools.
2. Apply it to a test box & boot it
3. Enable root, set root to autologin
3. Store the JSS credentials in root's keychain
4. Set Casper Imaging as a login item for root.
5. Create a Netboot image from this box.
I would be careful, because if you boot a machine that has autorun data with
this image, it will boot, autologin as root, and then begin imaging. But it
sounds like that's what you want.
I said I did this in the past. What I've just started using is the Casper
NetInstall Image Creator from the Resource Kit. This more or less gets you
to the same place with fewer steps.
Miles A. Leacy IV
? Certified System Administrator 10.4
? Certified Technical Coordinator 10.5
? Certified Trainer
Certified Casper Administrator
voice: 1-347-277-7321
miles.leacy at
Posted on 03-26-2009 07:16 AM
I know this is an old post - but I am trying to setup a Tiger NetBoot Set that auto-launches and logs into Casper Imaging, as explained below.
The problem I am having is that I am unable to get Casper Imaging to read the saved username and password from root's Keychain.
1) Launch Casper Imaging (logged in as root)
2) Enter my jss username and password and check 'Store in Keychain'
3) Open Keychain Access and make sure it is there (it is)
4) Relaunch Casper Imaging - it gets to "Accessing Keychain" but then it
asks for the username and password again even though it is already
stored in the Keychain.
Has anyone else seen this?
Correct me if I'm wrong - but the Casper NetInstall Image Creator from the Resource Kit does not allow me to create a 10.4.x NetInstall Set.
Brad Rellinger
Technology Specialist
Anthony Wayne Schools K-12
aw_aca_bre at