NetBoot Issues


Maybe someone can help me here because my JAMF TAM doesn't seem to know whats going on. I followed the same procedure as stevewood ( does to create his NetBoot images but the problem I'm having is when I try get into the NetBoot I created all I get is a flashing globe and then it turns to a question mark with a folder. What are some areas I need to look at to solve this issue? I've tried many times to re-create the NetBoot on different machines without any luck. I've been using Deploy Studio for years and never had any NetBoot issues so I'm pretty new to creating NetBoot images using System Image Utility for using Casper Imaging (already tried NetInstall Creator from JAMF and still have the same issue).


  1. Are the netboot host and the netboot client on the same subnet?
  2. If you boot up the client while holding the Option key, do you see the netboot host and the correct image name?
  3. How large is your minimum base image, the one you're running through the NetInstal Creator? I've had issues when my base image is too big.

  1. Yes.
  2. Yes, the correct name shows up.
  3. They have ranged from 7-9GB.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@stutz, I've an app that helps create NBI's, currently in beta.

Please give it a go & advise if it helps.