NetSus log for netboot

Contributor III

So we've been using a Netsus for a ltitle time and it's working great. But I'm trying to collect some data to report on it's usage. Since it's a virtual appliance I can grab some data from Sphere..but need help finding some other data.

Are there log files that can show when someone connects to the netboot? Is there one that shows SUS usage (I'm assuming it would be web pull/get type of thing).


New Contributor III

We use vnstat + vnstati for that, which gives you the traffic which comes in and out.
And /var/log/syslog should show all tftp requests, maybe you want to have a look at the apache logs too.
(If this isnt enough, set iptables to log all packets coming in/out of the Apache/tftp)

Contributor III

I've been looking at the trafic from the VMsphere side, but since its telling me network traffic, it doesn't restrcit to what kind. Our netsus acts as a DP, a SUS, and a netboot can be all kinds of traffic.

I'll grab the syslog and see if I can filter it for tftp traffic and see if that helps. Thanks.