New to MacOS How do I add Apps

New Contributor II

I'm used to the Mobile devices, but not the MacOS.


I Enrolled the device, but I can't find Self Service on the laptop.


Is there a step by step guide to taking a mac laptop, adding it to JAMF, (already done but not completely i guess) and adding purchased software.


Bill Swope


Valued Contributor

Self Service app should install to the 





You may want to open the Terminal app and try the above commands



sudo jamf update

sudo jamf manage


Legendary Contributor III

It's possible you don't have your Jamf Pro server configured to automatically install the Self Service application on macOS devices. I don't believe it's "on" by default.

Click the gear icon to go to Settings and navigate to Self Service > macOS and make sure the "Install Automatically" option there is enabled. See screenshot for an illustration.

Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 5.15.13 PM.png