No application set to open URL self-service

Contributor III

Has anyone else seen this? I have created a new image and deployed it to my test machine. And I got this when I tried to install an application from Self Service. Im confused because I have imaged this machine and had no problems with getting to Self Service on this particular machine.47d459e65004403db513566e8f1fac04


Contributor III

I got an error when I tried to recon the source machine2119302d8d8f45fe9a9f9aaa4a4bf942

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@CapU I actually received that same Self Service message myself today. I simply restarted Self Service and it went away.

Contributor III

I rebooted the machine and all's good now. Strange. Im still having the recon issue on my new source machine though

Contributor III

Recon failed but Self Service was installed and I am ale to install apps from Self Service

Honored Contributor

I had this happen on one site out of the blue.
Re-enrolled them and all was fine. But I never found a reason for it...

Valued Contributor III

Yep I am seeing it too, the restarted Self Service worked for use too ..


Honored Contributor

BTW, when I do this, I usually delete Self first or run removeFramework to make sure it's "clean".
Hard to say what caused it as it was local to one site, and that site is overseas with a crappy connection.

New Contributor II

ran into this myself on v9.9 of self service / JSS.

Actions tried:
CasperCheck repair - Repaired agent, did not fix issue.
Re-Enroll - did not fix issue
Delete from JSS, remove framework, delete casper admin user, re-enroll - did not fix issue.

I can circumvent it by selecting the self service application when Choose Application appears, but still looking for a permanent fix. This is only happening to one machine currently, but I've seen it before in the past. A re-enroll with removal of framework has fixed it in the past.

New Contributor II

As suggested to me by a member of MacAdmins on Slack, i ran the following command to rebuild the launch service and it resolved my issue. Granted I had previously removed the framework, re-enrolled etc. So in the end, this may be needed in addition to those previous steps.

/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain user


This has started happening to me too, but only since the advent of 10.11.5. Now on 2 devices, newly RE-Imaged (meaning wiped and vanilla OS dropped on them). One of them (MacA) started with 10.11.4 and was patched as part of the imaging process, post enrollment. One (MacB) was a vanilla 10.11.5 OS image.

  • Restarting Self Service didn't help on either device.
  • Restarting MacA didn't help.
  • Removing the Self Service app and unmanning and re-enrolling MacA didn't help.
  • The lsregister kickstart didn't help on MacA.
  • Restarting MacB did help.

The difference on MacB was the may first (failed) attempt was logged into OS X as the management account.
I restarted and then logged in as my AD user and it worked, same policy.
I used the same AD creds to login to Self Service on both accounts.

New Contributor

I started getting this error on 10.11.5 When I click on "Choose Application", and then "Options", I notice that the setting is to "Recommended Applications". If I change this to "All Applications" I can choose Self Service and it works. However, I have to do this for every package in Self Service that I want to download via Self Service.

New Contributor

Has anyone noticed this behavior being different between DEP and Non-DEP computers?


For me it was all non-DEP.

Valued Contributor II


We’re aware of this issue and have it filed under PI-002150.

From what we’ve seen there doesn’t seem to be a single thing that causes it, and it appears to happen sporadically/randomly.
Development is aware of the issue and it is pretty high up on the priority list, so we’ll hopefully see a fix for it soon.

The most reliable workaround we’ve found is to delete Self Service from the affected computer, reboot that computer, then run a sudo jamf manage to pull Self Service down from the JSS again.

If you don't already have a case open with your Technical Account Manager and would like to get one open to have the case attached to PI-002150, or in case the workaround I mentioned above doesn't work for you, please feel free to get a case going by either giving your TAM a call, sending an e-mail to, or by using the My Support section of JAMF Nation.

Amanda Wulff
JAMF Support

Contributor II

I saw my first instance of this today on OS X 10.11.5 with JAMF 9.91. I've found little rhyme or reason concerning for whom it occurs, but it does seem consistent that 1) I've not seen it when logged in as an admin-level user (which generally would be the jamf management account as well) and 2) it doesn't occur after the first launch of Self Service. The latter led me to wonder if it was an issue with the LSHandler being written into the user's (similar to what @steveevans was exploring), so I tried pre-populating it in the user template with the following

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add LSHandlers:0 dict" /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add LSHandlers:0:LSHandlerPreferredVersions dict" /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add LSHandlers:0:LSHandlerPreferredVersions:LSHandlerRoleAll string -" /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add LSHandlers:0:LSHandlerRoleAll string com.jamfsoftware.selfservice" /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add LSHandlers:0:LSHandlerURLScheme string selfservice" /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/

I haven't seen a failure since on systems where I ran these commands, but at the same time, I've also had successes on systems where I didn't run the command. YMMV. Obviously it's a rather random issue, so hopefully JAMF get it sorted out soon!


Valued Contributor

@etippett We just saw this. It was an admin user, and he'd been using Self Service pretty heavily to run a BUNCH of installs.

Deleting the app, restarting, and running jamf manage has worked for now.

Contributor III
Contributor III

@amanda.wulff Your suggested fix worked in our organization--thanks for sharing!