NoMAD password change issues

New Contributor

Looking into NoMAD as we have about a dozen users who every 60 days cannot change their AD password from System Preferences and as a result of changing them from AD and taking up IT's time, it's taken their mobile account out of sync.

I installed NoMAD on my laptop and it works really well.
I installed it on 2 problematic machines and neither of them can change their passwords.
They can authenticate fine into the NoMAD app.

They receive the following errors:
Current password does not match console user’s password. Can’t change console user’s password.
The operation couldn't be completed. (NoMAD.NoMADUserError error 3.)

If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate the input.


Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

Hey @mjohnston, any chance you're on the MacAdmins Slack team? There is a #nomad channel with the developer and lots of folks that administer it. Based on a quick search in that channel, folks that have seen that error have seen it due to the machine having an issue with the binding. Binding/rebinding seems to fix the issue. But ymmv.

New Contributor

@emily I'm not on MacAdmins. How does one join. I assume I need to be invited?

I'll try the unbind/bind. That makes me nervous as some of our machines have refused to re-bind in the past.

Valued Contributor

@mjohnston This should get you going on slack: Slack for Mac admins: A primer

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

@mjohnston head to and enter your email address. It'll auto-generate an invite. It's definitely worth it!

New Contributor

@emily Cheers. Just joined. Might have worked out the cause yesterday. I think it's Kerberos related, not NoMAD itself.