Not communicating with AppleTV

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Greetings, friends! We have 52 AppleTVs deployed in our school. It looks like Jamf Pro stopped communicating with them on or about December 5th for most of them, and December 9th for one of them. The devices are functioning normally (i.e. teachers continue to AirPlay to the devices, and they are visible on the network).

I'm wondering if anyone has (a) seen this happen, and (b) knows how to get them communicating with Jamf Pro again. 


Valued Contributor II

See if the MDM profiles expired. If so, you'll have to erase and re-enroll them.

New Contributor

Are the devices updated? If not, updating the tvOS can get them back online in Jamf.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

MDM Profiles are not expired. Most of them are on 16.1. Unfortunately, they are all in Conference Room Display.

New Contributor II

This happened with about 20 of our Apple TVs this past summer, and we ended up having to erase all content and settings of the Apple TVs and re-enter WiFi for them to re-pull the configuration profiles.