Notify when a computer checks in

Contributor III

Is there a way to notify me via Email when a 10.6.8 laptop checks in?
I set up a SMART group with the following:
Last Check-in: after 2014-01-08
and Computer Name is <Name of missing computer>
I checked Send email notification on membership change
Does that look like it will work? Is there a better way?
Thanks for any assistance.


Valued Contributor III

Yup, that looks like it should work, it's pretty much what I would do in that situation.

Legendary Contributor III

Same here. There really isn't any other way it can be done actually. Of course you will only get an email about it checking in once, since it should only fall into that group one time.

Contributor III

Thanks for the help.
All I need is one check in, then I can edit as needed...

Contributor II

Probably a bit different to what you're after, but I have a Smart Group for "Last contact time" and with email notifications on.

For example, I have one for "Last contact time more than 30 days ago", so I get an email notification when a computer is added, and another for when it is removed from the group. Can be a fair bit of chatter, but I just have these emails filtered into a notification folder in Outlook.