Posted on 05-14-2014 04:45 AM
Hey all,
We just got a shipment of iPads in, and these will be the first ones to use the PreStage Enrollment through JSS and DEP from Apple. Unfortunately I get this error when I try to enroll a device "NSURLErrorDomain error -1012". Has anyone else run in to this issue, and if so what were your solutions to the problem? I'm close to just re installing JSS but I don't want to lose all the configuration I've already done.
Posted on 05-14-2014 09:51 AM
I've had the same problem, as have some others according to other threads. I was told that this may be relevant but I haven't had a chance to try it yet:
Posted on 12-03-2014 11:32 AM
I had a similar issue today. Turns out that the certificate for my iOS side was out of date. Updating that fixed the issue.
Posted on 04-02-2015 07:33 AM
@MikeV-Holden When you say the certificate on your iOS side what do you mean? Which certificate specifically?
Posted on 04-02-2015 07:47 AM
@fs_cross : The certificate used in the prestage enrollment.