Nudge Base64 encoding

New Contributor III

Hello All,
Need a help on base64 encoding for Nudge for icondarkpath iconlight path screenshotdrakpath and screenshotlightpath
if I use a .jpg or png and use base64 command to generate a base64 code then what I should do with these big string generated by base64 CLI? Should I paste the big string in the path in my config profile instead of the path of .jpg or png file on end point(Mac) ? Or I should do something else? Please guide me, I dont push the .png/.jpg on mac through a JAMF policy.


Contributor III

Can you clarify what you want Nudge to look like on the client's computer? 

New Contributor III

Its look will like normally what we do, but the company's logo should not be picked up from end point, Nudge will do it by own by base64 encoding. I want to push a .jpg/.png on end point(mac), all should be done by Nudge