Posted on 03-10-2015 06:05 PM
I have an off topic question to ask. On March 3, 2015 we found out that the college I work at, Sweet Briar College, will be closing for good this summer (
My question to The Nation is, is there any job openings in the Virginia area that are open or coming open? My preference would be to stay supporting Casper and Apple computers. Thanks in advance for any support or insight you can provide.
PS - I didn't realize I misspelled Casper in the title until after I submitted it and could not find a way to change it.
Posted on 03-11-2015 06:54 AM
JAMF Nation has a job board, it's low traffic but I imagine high quality.
I noticed you don't have Twitter or LinkedIn on your JAMF Nation profile, I'm not sure if you use either but I would definitely recommend it. For job sites I like since it searches other job websites for listings not just it's own database. (Especially good for finding jobs posted at schools and universities, who normally just post on their own websites) Setup daily searches to your inbox for "Casper Suite" and "Mac OS X", etc. Since you have EDU experience I'd also recommend School Spring, I find a lot of schools just post on there.
You need to network with others in your field, contributing to JAMF Nation is a start, check out meetups like MacDMV.
Good luck!
Posted on 03-11-2015 08:29 AM
Hello Jeff!
I just heard about SBC this morning, sorry to hear. I know I did a couple of JumpStarts in the Lynchburg area. Don't know if they/who are hiring, but there is hopes for a possibility. I'd also contact Scott to see if he has any insight.