Office 14.6.5 crashing

Honored Contributor

After upgrading some Macs to Office 2011 14.6.5, many of them are now crashing after trying to create a new document or freezing upon launch. At first I thought it was an isolated event but I'm seeing it more and more. Has anyone else experienced this?


Honored Contributor

I deleted the entire Microsoft User Data folder and relaunched ANY of the Office 2011 apps and now I get this error.
I've deleted all the MS files from Application Support and Preferences... still no improvement! Could MS have let this one out a little early?

Now, there is a small number of Macs that have upgraded and it works fine, but at this point I think they may be in the minority.

Valued Contributor III

Bummer. What if you did a full uninstall of Office 2011 and Office 2016? Then a clean install?

I use App Cleaner to delete all the little files hanging around.

Honored Contributor

I haven't gotten that far into it yet. First I disabled the update policy in JSS so no more were upgraded.

I ended up deleting every Office file manually from one Mac in particular and reinstalling the base Office 2011 and then applying the 14.6.4 update. That has restored it to working condition. I'm thinking of maybe pushing forward with our Office 2016 upgrades, but there is still functionality that is missing from 2016 that is present in 2011.

Contributor III

I can't seem to duplicate that error here with Office 2011 Update 14.6.5 (Excel included).

Excel launches and saves show up clean here under 10.10.5 and 10.11.5.

Are there additional specific steps within Excel that you used?

My 14.6.5 Updater was straight from Microsoft but not deployed through Casper, if that helps.

These test units also have an install of Office 2016 present, in case that might matter.

Honored Contributor

All the installations are the same, but not all of them appear to be affected after the update. One user i was working with first told me that only Excel was having a problem but them she realized that she hasn't gotten email all morning (since the update). The ones that are affected to seem to have something wrong with the way the databases are being read by the apps - even when starting off with a clean installation and a freshly created user. For now I'm just going to uninstall and delete the support files and then either take them up to 14.6.4 or jump all the way up to 2016 if they don't need some of the missing functionality.