Posted on 04-06-2022 10:19 AM
My client is going to be migrating from an in-house mail server (Kerio Connect) to Office 365 and I am trying to figure out how to leverage Jamf Pro for this project. The problem is that even though I have decades of experience with Mac administration and with using the VLA version of Office I have no experience with Office 365 and I am finding that some of the setup is frustratingly opaque. Take for instance the Exchange payload when setting up a User-specific Configuration Payload in Jamf:
Is the Domain simply the organization's domain? More important, what do I enter for Internal/External Exchange Host, the Ports and the Internal/External Server Path fields?! I have looked at reams of documentation and I can't find a simple answer to those questions. I even asked the 3rd party company that is helping us perform the migration and they were not able to offer any suggestions other than "call Microsoft". If anyone here has any insight I would greatly appreciate it!
BTW, this is specific to computers running macOS and the client is going to be using Apple Mail/Contacts/Calendar not Outlook.
Thanks in advance for any help that anyone can provide!
Posted on 09-21-2022 07:52 AM
I don't believe you can, I'm afraid. I'm in a similar situation and our Office 365 requires MFA - which you cannot automate.
Now if your tenant does not use MFA, you may have some success connecting to the proxy as if it were the Exchange server address.