Office- Spell check and grammar off

Not applicable

I need to create a user account for our testing purposes. I'm calling it ERB for the testing they are doing. I need to send out a way to not have spell check or grammar check enabled. Is the best way to capture the MS User Data folder and send that out? Is that where preferences are installed or is it the Word.plist file?

Kathie Iorizzo
Lower School Technician
The Latin School of Chicago
kiorizzo at


Valued Contributor II

Probably a plist, but this is a good use for the FS Events (Monitor On Apr 27, 2009, at 1:28 PM, Kathie Iorizzo wrote:
File System Changes) feature of Composer 7.

Launch Word
Launch Composer
New Package->Monitor File System Changes
Switch to Word
Change your preferences
Close out of preferences and quit Word
Switch to Composer
Click on "Build Package"

Yep, it's the plist (~/Library/Preferences/

Can either push the plist out, or use a script (running as the current user) to change the default prefs.

For Office 2008 it might be something like:

defaults write 2008OptionsOptions:AutoGrammar - int 0
defaults write 2008OptionsOptions:AutoSpell - int 0

Hope this helps,


Not applicable

Thank you! I just started using Composer 7 last week.

Kathie Iorizzo
Lower School Technician
The Latin School of Chicago
kiorizzo at

New Contributor

We were able to create a package as described above. We do not know how to use Casper to deploy a script to open the package as a specific user. Help is appreciated. Thank you.

Valued Contributor II

You can also set these 2 settings using Managed Preferences in Casper. See the very bottom of this page.