One Click wipe and reload currently installed OS Version

New Contributor

Hi All,

We've been using JamF for a little while now and are looking to simplify getting machines to new users. While there is the hard 'wipe' option that puts a drive into a blank state, I'm looking to get a policy or something similar that I can apply machines to in order to rerun through DEP/ABM with the following guidelines:
- Check the currently installed OS
- Download the currently installed OS version
- Install the OS wiping all user data

Does anyone have a function that would do this? Ultimately I plan to have a button in Self Service that only the IT team can access (or rare cases for end users), but I figure I'd ask the community.

Alternatively, would getting a copy of Mojave and Catalina and doing a script install work best?


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You could still use Jamf's method: and package the OS version you'd like to cache/install. Then scope it to devices with the OS versions you want to target.

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also you may find this useful:

New Contributor

Thanks, it looks like your first link may do what I need it to. I'm actually surprised there isn't this functionality built in as it works for mobile devices :)