Open sub window of Software Update from command line?

Contributor II

Under macOS Monterey Clients get the 12.6.4 and 13.3 Software offered in the Software Update preferences. In the past I used the following command in my bash scripts to open that window:
open /System/Library/PreferencePanes/SoftwareUpdate.prefPane

But this opens only the main Software Update window:

Bildschirmfoto 2023-03-31 um 15.38.20.png

How can I open the sub window "Weitere Infos ..." from the command line that shows the macOS Monterey Update:

Bildschirmfoto 2023-03-31 um 15.38.27.png


Valued Contributor

You could theoretically do this with AppleScript and build off what others have done already, but PPPC makes this more difficult these days as Accessibility permissions are required.

Having said that, I have had reasonable success sharing this annotated screenshot with our end-users via email or using swiftDialog and embedding the image inside an "Install updates now" prompt:

macOS Software Update (ignore Ventura).png

You could also use tools such as Nudge or SUPER to achieve something similar.

Hope this helps!


Hi @jtrant thank you for your reply, I am looking for an easier way :-) It looks like that there is no way to open that "sub window". I havent tried SUPER yet, will check if it works for me.