Operational or day-day tasks post implementation of Jamf Cloud

Contributor II

what are the pre-requisites and good to know for Jamf Cloud implementation?

what can be the possible Operational or day-day tasks post implementation of Jamf Cloud?


Sagar Rastogi

Valued Contributor III

When we moved, our jamf buddy and the Jamf could team kinda walked us though everything ... I think they wanted us to upgrade before we moved but not 100% sure I can't remember. Our database was garbage too and we didn't really have any issues. I also think that the could team checks the database before they import it.

This all depends on how you are moving ... I think there are two major types move the database, change the JSS url and then the machines get sent to hosted server or push a Quick add .pkg to your machines send them to the hosted server. We went with the 1st way as we need to keep the FV keys.

At the same time we changed how we image to that was changes to a lot of policies and process we also moved all out .pkgs to the hosted share so we had to change the polices to pull the files from there.

I don't remember much more than that, but I don't do anything complicated in my JSS ...


Contributor II

Thanks a lot..

Actually we want to implement Jamf Cloud from scratch(beginning)....

I was just looking for day- day tasks or operational tasks post jamf cloud implementation... like policy update,Creating Package Sources,o Did compliance of smart groups etc

Thanks again...

Sagar Rastogi

New Contributor III

Here it goes...

  1. Enrollment
  2. Package Creation and Management
  3. Software Deployment
  4. Settings Management Configuration
  5. Patch Management Configuration

Contributor II

Thanks my friend...so these are the only activities..

Could you please help with jamf cloud implementation document..

Thanks again..

Sagar Rastogi

Contributor II

Jamf would walk you through the whole implementation. Since its jamf cloud you wouldnt have to manually install the JSS or setup databases etc as that would be handled for you. The admin guide can be found here: http://docs.jamf.com/10.3.0/jamf-pro/administrator-guide/About_This_Guide.html

Contributor II

Thanks but this guide is for jamf pro

Sagar Rastogi

New Contributor III

"operational tasks post jamf cloud implementation" - The Jamf Pro guide is for Jamf Cloud, it's the same, one is hosted on premises, one in the Cloud, that's the only real difference.

What you wish to do with it afterwards depends entirely on your setup but as Santosh mentioned, those are the most common operational tasks.

Contributor II

@triding thank you....

Sagar Rastogi

Contributor II

@Santosh.BR thank you!!

Sagar Rastogi

Contributor II

@Santosh.BR can you please help with the features and functions post jamf cloud implementation

Sagar Rastogi

Contributor II

@triding can you please help with the features and functions post jamf cloud implementation

Sagar Rastogi

Contributor II

All of the features and functions are provided in the Guide that has been linked to you. Do you have any specific questions? The guide is really the best resource there is in regards to implementation/functionality of Jamf pro.

Contributor II

@miregan actually I am looking for roadmap for future strategic requirement like phase 0 for test, phase 1 for pilot, deploy and features and phase 2 for other features like improvement in MAC as login feature and swipe feature...can I get some template like that

Thanks a lot again

Sagar Rastogi

Contributor II

There is no template like that as you have to cater it to your own environment and see what works for you. I suggest contacting JAMF and setting up a POC. I was able to setup a POC with JAMF prior to the contract. They walked me through everything and it gave me time to play around in the console and see what I could or could not do. I was given 10 licenses to play around with.

New Contributor III

@rastogisagar reach me out on santosh.br@brilyant.in / +91-9449341722 I'll help you out.