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10:08 AM
- last edited
I've created a policy that caches the install for macOS High Sierra ad distributed to test machines. I then have a smart group created that adds machines with the install cached. Once in the smart group, another policy that just executes that cached install is made available in Self Service.
The problem is, when the Self Service policy finishes and goes to reboot, the reboot is halted by the Self Service policy and the user is just given "cancel" or "try again" options. If you for a reboot the install continues as expected, but this not an awesome user experience for my users.
Posted on 10-03-2017 11:14 AM
What's the policy that runs in Self Service actually doing?
Posted on 10-03-2017 12:24 PM
What is triggering the restart? Is the Apple installer triggering the restart of the policy?
If the installer is triggering the restart but the policy in Self Service is running then you get this issue.
Posted on 10-03-2017 12:32 PM
If the installer is triggering the restart but the policy in Self Service is running then you get this issue.
What @strider.knh said. It sounds like the installation is trying to reboot the Mac while the actual Self Service policy that kicked off the installation is still running. The Self Service policy needs to exit to complete before the application can be safely shut down, as in a reboot.
Have you considered looking at some of the existing scripts out there that install OS upgrades? @bpavlov above has one posted on his blog/github I believe. I'm using the one from Joshua Roskos, with heavy customizations to it, at least for our Sierra Self Service upgrade. I have not tried it yet with High Sierra, since I'm trying to steer clear of it for the moment, but those scripts may work with only minor modifications.
Posted on 10-03-2017 01:28 PM
Link to the two scripts mentioned:
Posted on 11-03-2017 08:21 AM
Thank you guys! That worked
Posted on 10-24-2018 09:08 PM
I followed and it works pretty smooth on Self Service.
But do you know any other method to push a trigger or a forced upgrade via JSS if end user doesn't go click Self Service?
I've been testing on the same Self Service Script and pushing it to user end, but it only pops up Jamf Helper image, no reboot or installation happens on laptop.
Any Idea?