OS X 10.11.1 is now showing as an "Update" with a "Download" button in App Store.


Which means Casper will see it as an uninstalled Update. Which makes me sad.

Is anyone else seeing this?


I already have OS X 10.11.1 installed. The App Store shows a download available in the Update section for OS X 10.11.1. But it is NOT the Combo Update that we all expect. It's actually the "Install OS X El Capitan.app", rev'd up to 10.11.1 (which they have always done) but now it's advertised in the Update section of the App Store.

Solved. I'm an idiot.

See below:

But holy (&@#$*(&#$@% @bpavlov ! I think you're right. It just so happens that every VM, Desktop, & Laptop I checked all have the El Cap installer on them. And that is advertised as an Update for them. Once I actually found a device that didn't have the "Install OS X El Capitan.app" downloaded... not advertised.

Well color me embarrassed. The sky ISN'T falling!


Honored Contributor

It does make sense. I'm taking a wild guess, but that would occur if you have the OS X installer on your computer as it technically is an app like Apple Remote Desktop, Pages, Keynote, etc. The App Store is telling you that you have an update to the OS X installer app.

View solution in original post


Honored Contributor

I'm not sure I follow. Why would 10.11.1 show up as an uninstalled update?


Phew... just re-recon'd and it doesn't show up as an uninstalled "Update" in Casper.

But the App Store calls it an Update. Which means more and more of my users who I don't want to try and download it to install (only to be blocked by Restricted Software) will see and try repeatedly to download and install it. You know... because the little red number tells them to.


Valued Contributor III

I am not sure how Casper "see" updates however I would guess that it's

softwareupdate --list

And that is not showing it : )


Honored Contributor

I still fail to see the issue here....If you're on 10.11 then your Mac will have 10.11.1 as an available update.... :/

Legendary Contributor III

Yeah, I'm not sure I understand the concern? If clients are not already running El Capitan, no El Capitan updates will show up for them. That isn't how Software Update works. The full OS X 10.11.1 installation will be updated to include this version if its not already, but, if that's being blocked it will still be blocked.


I see what you all are missing.

This is not the 10.11.1 UPDATE. This appears to be the stand alone "Install OS X El Capitan.app" that is usually found in the Applications section of the App Store... never in the Updates section before. They've just rev'd the version to 10.11.1.

Check my pictures?

I AM running 10.11.1. I still see 10.11.1 as a Download, but in the Updates section of the App Store.
It also shows, in the App Store, there being 1 "Update" available, when there are none. It's just the download they're offering.
Thankfully Casper doesn't see that as a missing update.

But now ALL of my clients see this download in the Update section. I'm talking OS X 10.10, 10.9, 10.8, etc etc ALL see this El Cap "download" in the App Store under the Update section. This causes there to be a red 1 on the App Store icon, which means users will try to download & install it, which in my environment leads to a world of hurt.

Despite it being blocked by software restriction, do I really need to waste the bandwidth to have 3000 people try to download the 6GB "Install OS X El Capitan (version 10.11.1) that they can't install anyway?

Does that make more sense?

Legendary Contributor III

Unfortunately, there's little you can do to stop Apple from stuffing the App Store with widgets, numbers and adverts for El Capitan or any future OS version. Its their App Store first of all, and second, they want people to update to it, so Tim Cook can come on stage next WWDC and tout the amazing adoption numbers for OS X.

Seriously though, I don't think any of us are missing anything really. The point is, for some time now, "upgrading" to the next major OS release has involved downloading a full installer "application" which can be blocked by Restricted Software (thankfully). And yes, these have, for some time now, shown up under the "Updates" tab in the Mac App Store. I'm not sure why you have never seen them there, but they have been showing up for me and many others in that section for a long time now. I wish they didn't truthfully, but that's Apple for you.

Once a Mac is on that major release, the OS X 10.11.x "updates" show up under the Updates tab in Mac App Store, but these are regular pkg installs that are downloaded and run, not the "app" installers like the full upgrades are. So, no real way to block those unless you want to introduce some major hurt and start blocking Installer.app. That will likely only lead to worse problems though.

And to be clear, I get that its silly for users to be downloading a 6 GB file only to be blocked from using it. But this is where you may need to get more proactive communication out to your userbase. If they know its being blocked right now and there isn't anything they can do to install it until it shows up in Self Service or whatever, they'll probably be less likely to waste their time watching a progress bar.

Honored Contributor

It does make sense. I'm taking a wild guess, but that would occur if you have the OS X installer on your computer as it technically is an app like Apple Remote Desktop, Pages, Keynote, etc. The App Store is telling you that you have an update to the OS X installer app.

Contributor II

@bpavlov is correct. You are seeing the update for the Installer App. If it were the Software Update for 10.11.1, It would say "Software Update" of the left rather than "OS X El Capitan".

I haven't updated my laptop yet, and I still have the old installer so here's what I see.



The splash screen at the top advertising the new OS has been on the Upgrades section. A separate downloadable version of the .app installer in the portion where all other App & OS updates have always appeared... That's never been that way before this.

But holy (&@#$*(&#$@% @bpavlov ! I think you're right. It just so happens that every VM, Desktop, & Laptop I checked all have the El Cap installer on them. And that is advertised as an Update for them. Once I actually found a device that didn't have the "Install OS X El Capitan.app" downloaded... not advertised.

Well color me embarrassed. The sky ISN'T falling!

Valued Contributor