OT: AutoPkgr Error

Honored Contributor

Trying to get into AutoPkgr. Downloaded it and installed Git 2.2.1 and AutoPkg 0.5.0. First thing I did was add everyone's repos. Took a couple of minutes. Then I search for the recipes that I might need. I wanted to start off small so I picked only 1Password.download. Great so I go ahead and try to run the recipe I've selected but then I get this error:

Could not find the parent recipe: Unarchiver: Unarchived /Users/user/Desktop/Cache/io.github.hjuutilainen.download.1Password/downloads/1Password-4.4.3.zip to /Users/user/Desktop/Cache/io.github.hjuutilainen.download.1Password/downloads/1Password NO | YES

I'm left wondering, what am I supposed to do with this? There's nothing next to the status of the recipe indicating it's missing anything. I do a Get Info on the recipe but it says that this is top level recipe. Is this just a bad recipe or am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: Forgot to mention that the recipe actually does download the application. It also unzips it which I don't really care for at this point since I just want to know when a new version is available. and if I wait too long (a minute) to click on either Yes or No the app crashes.

I tried to do the same with the Firefox.download and it works fine. I'll try to post this on the appropriate AutoPkgr group too, but I'll have to sign up for that first. Figured I'd try here first in case anyone has seen this and might have quick advice.



Contributor III

@bpavlov, with respect, there are some useful troubleshooting and support steps listed on our AutoPkgr readme. JAMFNation is not among them. :-)

Honored Contributor

@elliotjordan For sure. I was reading it as I posted this message and currently on step 2. Just figured I'd see if it was something reproducible by others is all.