PARCC testing open discussion

Contributor II

I believe there are a lot of admins here that are part of the PARCC testing. What are some issues you are seeing? What are your environments and such?

My environment is JSS 9.3 managing around 4500 - 10.9 MacBook Air's. For the PARCC I have two policies set. One policy creates a local account at startup and the second policy creates a shortcut of Firefox (v30) on the desktop with the configuration file (I used CCK2 to create the cfg file) triggered at login with the created account.

One issue that I'm hearing from the guys (randomly and only a small percentage) are two finger scrolling stops in the middle of the exam and the clicker doesn't work on others.



@msnowdon Yeah same here, we've haven't done anything in particular to stop system notifications and it has not been a problem. I actually tried to get one to pop up while in the test software to make sure it wouldn't cause any problems. It either is showing behind the test window and not kicking you out or it is somehow enabling do not disturb.


Thanks. One less thing to configure.

New Contributor III

@Sandy @CGundersen

I've been getting some complaints about iTunes interrupting TestNav, but haven't seen it myself. Do you think this is iTunes Helper? Or something else? What did you end up doing? Thanks!

Contributor III

@jagress We just ended up restricting (Restrict exact process name, Kill process) and scoping the restriction to our Smart Groups that have a TestNAV User Account created. Seems to be working pretty well and iTunes interruption complaints have largely gone away ... complaints that iTunes is not working are up a bit though. :)

As an aside/fyi, we pushed out a Firefox-based TestNAV user DMG this year as we had good success with it last time around. However, this year there was a select media file that would not play for sophmores ... other media files were fine. We found that those students did not experience the issue using Chrome.

New Contributor II


Maybe notification center prompting for iTunes update or media keys on keyboard?

Contributor III

I'm sure F8 was occurring for us. In our case, I don't believe we were having issues with notification center, but I'm liking the thread mentioned above:

Contributor II

Any itunes related for us has been students pressing the F8 key and that occurrence was minimal (less than 10 total students from 3rd grade to 8th) that I've heard of. We just completed the elementary and middle school today. Tomorrow starts the High school training so we'll see if they start pressing random keys.

@CGundersen when you say "Firefox-based testnav", do you mean just firefox with pre-configs (popup blockers, security exceptions, etc) ?

The media files, were they videos? There was one student that said that there was no audio while the "video" played, the tech and teacher checked it out and it states on the bottom/top "there is no audio in this slides".

Contributor III

@Johnny.Kim That is correct. Basically a pre-configured local user account deployed via policy to designated Smart Groups. A configured/tested/Pearson-approved (for what that is worth ... ) browser placed in /Users/username/Applications

I believe the file in question was just audio and we've only experienced the issue with the one grade level. Also, no issues during prep/practice tests. Moving to Chrome (for those students) resolved the issue. Ticket with Pearson, but yeah ...

Valued Contributor II

Last week Oracle released their Java 8 update 40 build 25 as a .app that tried to sneak into the mix...

After the uproar this caused, Oracle released a new Java 8 Update 40 build 26 which reversed the previous .app to a .pkg.

I am thinking I do not need to push this new one, but am not 100% on whether X-protect will recognize a build # as not up to date....
When Oracle did their last unscheduled build update, it was Oracle that was forcing the update on us.....
Anybody already sussed this out?
I do not want to send anything non-critical this close to testing......

Valued Contributor II

FYI: Oracle is now prompting to update Java 8 update 40 to Java 8 update 40...

Release Candidate Programs Tester


Oy. It looks like the root cause is something similar to the "update Java 8 update 31 to Java 8 update 31" issue from a couple of weeks back.

Valued Contributor II

For those of us in Pearson hell right now, this is no fun.
Java 1.8. update 40 build 25 becomes Java 1.8 update 40 build 26
and the only change is back to .pkg.... but now Oracle is prompting to update (which yes, started with update 31 build whatever)
Add to that the Flash Player update that arrived yesterday which most of our techs had JUST finished getting out there...
not cool x2500


Im in Pearson hell but I'm not getting prompted that I have to update Java, even running TestNav. I'm still on 8 u31 on OS X 10.9.5.

Valued Contributor II

@msnowdon really? I have Java check for updates unchecked and at around 1:30 today, when we opened Safari to the live TestNav site they all prompted to update Java 8 update 40 to Java 8 update 40.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

For whatever reason, Oracle hasn't updated the update feed for Macs running Java 8 Update 31. For those Macs, Oracle's feed says Java 8 Update 31 build 13 is the latest and greatest. Any other version of Java, including Java 8 Update 40, you'll get prompted.

Valued Contributor II

WHT? @rtrouton, well THAT makes perfect sense!!

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I'm giving up sense for Lent, as it just doesn't seem to be helping in this regard.

I've written a post on the Java 8 Update 40 update situation, available from the link below:

Contributor II

Yup, we got prompted for Java update but not a lot. Around 20 out of 1050 MBA's. I just flushed the policy log so they will get the update on monday.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

For those using it, I've updated my install_latest_oracle_java_8 script to accommodate Oracle's changes today:


And top it off, Pearson recommends NOT updating to Java 8 u40 according to their Technology Bulletin dated March 10, 2015.

my link text


Contributor II

@rtrouton Out of 75, 1 received a failed status " The upgrade failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.) "disk1" unmounted. "disk1" ejected." Would you know what would cause the installation fail?

Here is the full log...

Script result: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 929 0 929 0 0 1671 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 20 58.4M 20 11.8M 0 0 6126k 0 0:00:09 0:00:01 0:00:08 11.8M 43 58.4M 43 25.5M 0 0 8746k 0 0:00:06 0:00:02 0:00:04 12.7M 70 58.4M 70 41.2M 0 0 10.3M 0 0:00:05 0:00:03 0:00:02 13.7M 98 58.4M 98 57.6M 0 0 11.5M 0 0:00:05 0:00:04 0:00:01 14.4M 100 58.4M 100 58.4M 0 0 11.5M 0 0:00:05 0:00:05 --:--:-- 14.4M /dev/disk1 GUID_partition_scheme /dev/disk1s1 Apple_HFS /private/tmp/java_eight.bR8m Mar 16 07:02:42 C17MW.local installer[10170] : Product archive /tmp/java_eight.bR8m/Java 8 Update trustLevel=100 Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: location = file://localhost Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: file://localhost/tmp/java_eight.bR8m/ Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : Set authorization level to root for session Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : Will use PK session Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : Starting installation: Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : Configuring volume "Macintosh HD" Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : Preparing disk for local booted install. Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : Free space on "Macintosh HD": 53.68 GB (53678514176 bytes). Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : Create temporary directory "/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T//Install.10170GKu5qE" Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : IFPKInstallElement (1 packages) Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : Using authorization level of root for IFPKInstallElement Mar 16 07:02:43 C17MW.local installer[10170] : PackageKit: Enqueuing install with boosting installer: Package name is Java 8 Update 40 installer: Upgrading at base path / installer: Preparing for installation…..... installer: Preparing the disk…..... installer: Preparing Java 8 Update 40…..... installer: Waiting for other installations to complete…..... installer: Configuring the installation…..... installer: # installer: Writing files…..... # installer: Moving items into place…..... # installer: Running package scripts…..... # installer: Running package scripts…..... #Mar 16 07:02:46 C17MW.local installer[10170] : install:didFailWithError:Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=112 "An error occurred while running scripts from the package “JavaAppletPlugin.pkg”." UserInfo=0x7f898af6fc90 {NSFilePath=./postinstall, NSURL=file://localhost/tmp/java_eight.bR8m/,, NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred while running scripts from the package “JavaAppletPlugin.pkg”.} installer: Running package scripts…..... installer: Validating packages…..... #Mar 16 07:02:47 C17MW.local installer[10170] : Install failed: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. installer: The upgrade failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.) "disk1" unmounted. "disk1" ejected.

Contributor II

Something to read with your morning coffee...


Oh look another Java update! just popped up.....yay......

New Contributor III

Rather than deal with keeping Java up to date for PARCC, I tested everything with a specific version, got machines up to at least the version, and then disabled the automatic update prompts. Seems to be working well (crossing my fingers)!


Yeah, I went and started going through the release notes, probably should have done that sooner, looks like they give each version an expiration date, 8.31 and 8.40 don't expire until April 14th, so I'm staying at 31 for the time being. Not sure what the deal is with the different build numbers though. I couldn't find much on that. I just know version 31 is not prompting for update so it's staying for now.

New Contributor III

@roadrunner2348 I learned the hard way about those expiration dates, which is why I started disabling the auto updates - at least for PARCC machines :)

Release Candidate Programs Tester


Sorry, don't know what caused that error. If it happened on only one machine out of 75, I'd recommend deleting the Java plug-in on that machine and re-running the script.

Contributor II

@roadrunner2348 @Sandy I need your help in Safari. I hit a major snag at the high school where the audio aren't being play within firefox. Tested in Safari and it works without an issue. With that being said, I'm going to have to make a last minute change and get Safari configured and have the students start using them.

What did you guys set to get to run in unsafe mode, disable popup blocker, etc and how did you deploy? I'm looking into managed preferences but I had some not so good experience (managed preferences not being removed once it was unscoped and such).

@rtrouton yeah, thats what I did. Thanks!


Contributor II

@Johnny.Kim I was able to use a config profile to get TestNav to run in unsafe mode and disable the pop-up blocker. You can download the .plist I used and modify it as necessary to make it into a config profile, which you may need to do as our URLs might be different.

I have also had success using a handful of scripts to change the Safari "unsafe" settings.

Contributor II

@jacob_salmela Jacob, Thanks for the plist you uploaded and your input. I just finished using composer to see the changes made within I'll look at yours since its a cleaned up version and make the changes. Once modified, I'll upload to config profile and scope it to a test laptop and see how it goes. Btw, are you setting this on computer level or user level?

Contributor II

@Johnny.Kim We have them set at a computer level. We just have local users and it seems to work just fine.

Here are those scripts I mentioned, which may just need some modification for the URLs

Our district ended up using a signed certificate with a DeploymentRuleset.jar, which really saved us a huge headache, but if they won't pay for one, the scripts are a decent workaround.

Good luck!

Contributor II

@jacob_salmela I went with a DMG to replace the plist file (with FUT & FEU). I already had set the Java exceptions with Firefox policy few weeks ago. Thanks again for your help!

Contributor II

Good morning all! PARCC testing has started for us this week. Anyone else?

New Contributor

Yes, we had to start earlier thanks to AP testing. We found that the Java settings we'd pushed out by policy (we are using Safari on Macs running 10.8) were completely gone and rerunning the policy did not work. The website address was not even in the managed websites for Java in safari even though it had previously been there. One of our techs, Andrew, noticed that as soon as the policy would push it out, the Safari plist would instantaneously revert to the old version even if he killed the cfprefsd daemon. The only way the change would hold was to manually make the change on each laptop.

The solution he worked out was to use a configuration profile to push the plist out. In the past, we've been discouraged by other people not to use this method but it was the only way we could get it to work reliably. He tested it on one cart of laptops yesterday and it worked beautifully with no ill effects. Now we're widening the scope to the rest of our Macs.

Good luck everyone!



@etreglia ,

Do you have the policy as "ongoing"? We use a policy to push out the exception list in Java as well as the urls to run in unsafe mode in Safari and they seems to continue working even after the upgrade to 8 u45.


Contributor II

@etreglia Same here as @msnowdon. No issues with java exception list.

Contributor II

Here's some good new from PARCC...

New Contributor

Has anyone had the chance to test out the new TestNav app for Mac?

New Contributor II

Our state dumped PARCC, no TestNav for me this year. What's the app like? Browser with integrated runtime?