Posted on 09-24-2019 06:39 AM
Has anyone been able to successfully deploy the new Compass tool that PearsonVue switched to that replaced Console8?
Posted on 03-10-2020 08:32 AM
@rlawrimore Did you ever get this going? I'm deploying it right now and the best I can get from Pearson tech support is that it needs to be dragged directly to the desktop.
Posted on 03-16-2020 10:33 AM
fwiw, I have a script that seems to be working. Compass still complains that it should be run from ~/Desktop or /Applications, even though it IS in /Applications, but the program itself seems to be working.
hdiutil attach /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Waiting Room/Compass.dmg
cp -R /Volumes/Secure Browser/ /Applications
diskutil unmount /Volumes/Secure Browser
rm -Rf /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Waiting Room/Compass.dmg
Posted on 03-23-2021 05:39 PM
Extremely old post here but wondering how this worked out? I manually one by one'd 600 iMacs with the compass app and then the next week when the students go to use it, it requires an update which needs admin rights to run... which they don't have. Would be great to mass install the app.
Did you also have to deal with Gmetrix at all? That too is a nightmare.
Posted on 03-31-2021 12:38 PM
@Howard.Trevor Looks like the script above still stands for Compass. I've got a message in to Pearson development asking what the heck this mysterious "configuration" is that it complains doesn't exist, as well as why this program seems to complain about not being in /Applications when it clearly is. But I am able to get it successfully deployed and running following these steps:
It still complains about the location of the program not being in /Applications for whatever reason, but you can hit Continue on this message and the application does indeed launch.
Posted on 03-31-2021 12:43 PM
@cgalik That is awesome news. I will give that a shot today. Thanks again for letting me know. Between that and Gmetrix plugins its been a headache.
Posted on 03-31-2021 02:10 PM
@cgalik So I just gave it a try... multiple tries.... and it keeps failing saying the dmg is corrupt. Which is odd because a manual drag and drop with ARD works fine.
Posted on 03-31-2022 12:59 PM
I was just working through this issue today. Kept getting errors about missing configuration parameters...
I had to end up using the Archive Utility to unzip it and then move the file to the Applications folder.
See my working script below.
Hopefully this helps some others that stumble across this thread!
## We capture the logged in user and the UID to use later when running the local script as the user
loggedInUser=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)
loggedInUID=$(id -u "$loggedInUser")
## Create a script in /tmp to run as the logged in user
cat << EOS > /private/tmp/
/usr/bin/osascript <<EOF
tell app "Archive Utility"
open "/Users/Shared/"
end tell
## Script creation done
## Now make the new script executable
chmod +x /private/tmp/
/bin/launchctl asuser "$loggedInUID" sudo -iu "$loggedInUser" "/private/tmp/"
sleep 10
mv "/Users/Shared/" /Applications
Posted on 04-12-2022 12:15 PM
Alternatively I can do it like this as the Archive Utility should be the default application to open it.
## We capture the logged in user and the UID to use later when running the local script as the user
loggedInUser=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)
loggedInUID=$(id -u "$loggedInUser")
/bin/launchctl asuser "$loggedInUID" sudo -iu "$loggedInUser" open "/Users/Shared/"
sleep 10
mv "/Users/Shared/" /Applications