Posted on 08-20-2014 02:39 AM
I have a csv file like that:
I want to update the asset tag for computers with mysql queries.
I can't find where is stored the computer serial number in the db.
I found there is a table computers_denormalized, so I updated the asset_tag for each computer but I cannot see these changes in JSS backend.
Thanks for your help!
kind regards
Posted on 08-25-2014 09:53 AM
I could successfully do that.
1) created a temp table 'test' and populated it with csv data. (LOAD DATA INFILE...)
2) update computers as c
Inner join computers_denormalized as cd on c.computer_id = cd.computer_id
Inner join test as t on t.serial_number = cd.serial_number
Set c.asset_tag = t.asset_tag
Posted on 09-05-2014 04:59 AM
When does computer_denormalized get updated?
Posted on 09-17-2014 07:34 AM
It takes some time to be updated, but finally it does.