Possible to change categories for multiple Config Profiles at once?

New Contributor II

We are in the process of migrating a jamf instance from a company that we are splitting from into our very own jamf instance.

I have a lot of configuration profiles so far that are all "uncategorized" and I have gone through a few of them one by one to move to our temporary categories but would love to know if there was a way to assign them in batches so I don't sit here for the next 20-30 minutes doing them one at a time if I don't have.

If there isn't a way to do this then that is fine, I'll just click them each and do what I've been doing. 



Valued Contributor III

not quite sure what the ask is.. but you could use JAMF Migrator to copy over all the categories from old jamf to new jamf.. and then the config profiles.. so they will match.. if you want the old categories / config profiles. 

Then again.. I've seen way too many jamf instances with so many categories, in the 100s .. its not necessary..  a quick check and we have 20.. and now I've looked I may reduce that more.. 

New Contributor II

Sorry, the ask was for the 50+ config profiles we migrated using Jamf Migrator into our new instance I want to assign them to a category we created and so far I have to go into each config profile, edit and assign to a category one at a time and was wondering if there was a way to select several config profiles at once and assign them to a single category instead of doing each of them one at a time.

Valued Contributor III

probably too late.. but you can migrate the category / profiles, then change the name of the category.. there maybe a way to do this via the API, but 50ish profiles.. right click, open then all in a new tab and just work through..