Post Enrollment Prompt

New Contributor III

Good Afternoon and happy new year everyone. I am looking to have a prompt appear post-enrollment asking for a few pieces of information:
E-mail Address:
Department: (Drop Down would be nice).

Once the user submits the information it would modify the device record in jamf. Has anyone done something similar to this?


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@derrad I do something kind of similar using cocoaDialog to present pop-ups for my techs to fill out. You could do the same with AppleScript using an osascript call in a Bash script, or you could look at using Pashua via Python to do the same. Once you have the data, then it's just a matter of updating jamf with it:

jamf recon -email "${userEmail}" -department "${userDep}" -realname "${fullName}"

I'm moving our stuff over to Pashua for now, although we may move to a Swift app eventually due to the amount of info we have to gather/parse.

Valued Contributor

+1 for Pashua. And agree with the man @stevewood on moving to swift. I made this last year for a client

Contributor II

Is it possible that any can post some script example on how this can be made (if someone has actually done something similar) that @derrad ask about. Could also be usefull for me