Potential Application Version Criteria "Collision" in Smart Groups?


I noticed that if I have Application Title and Application Version in the Criteria for a Smart Group, when I remove AT, then AV disappears as well. That would indicate that the two criteria are tied together. So if I had AT is Safari.app and AV is 9.1.3, then the SG should contain only computers that have Safari 9.1.3?

However, I also noticed that AV can be set as a sole criterion, in which case I assume the SG would contain computers that have any software that happens to be version 9.1.3, to use the example above, if AT was not specified.

Going back to the original example, where both the AT and AV are specified, if there so happens to be a computer that has Safari.app installed, say version 8.0.6, but the computer also had RandomUsefulShareware.app version 9.1.3 installed, would the computer still fall into the SG since it technically meets the Criteria specified?