Printable|Savable List of Apps on A Specific Device

New Contributor

I would like to save a list of apps as a .pdf on a specific device, so I can share that list with another user. Is this possible? If so, what are the steps?


New Contributor


If is a one off or rarely done then a copy and paste from the JSS console may be the best way to go. If its a more common scenario then check out the discussion at


Valued Contributor III

One other option for a one-off is to Export the list, open as a spreadsheet, and then print to PDF. The spreadsheet will have all the columns you can see when you are looking at devices - this list can be adjusted at Mobile Devices -> Mobile Device Management -> Inventory Display.

This doesn't work as well for more than one device because it is organized by app, with a blank line for the pap name for subsequent devices that have it.

1) In Mobile Devices, search for the device. Make sure you use a serial number or exact username so there is just the one result.

2) At the bottom, click Export.

3) Choose file format, click Next.

4) Choose Applications, click Next.

New Contributor

I don't have an 'Export' option at the bottom of that screen. Would really like to be able to print or save pdf of all apps assigned to a specific device.