Printer Proxy is trying to modify the Printer settings Ventura 13.4

New Contributor

Hi all, 


Apparently* after upgrading to 13.4 my users are receiving the following error when trying to print.


Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 10.56.46.png


The users are all running with active directory "mobile accounts"  and previously had no problems printing. 

If an admin account is used to print on the machine, the "mobile account" users no get the message and are able to print just fine.

If a script is used to print as an admin account then the users are are able to print but still receive the message. 


Has anyone else seen this on Ventura 13.4 ?

(I am aware there have been issues on older versions, and I would prefer not to make users print administrators)


* no one has mentioned it previously so I believe this to have been introduced between 13.3.1(a) and 13.4


Valued Contributor III

you need to add users to printer admin (no idea why now) something like this, test before deploying! 

usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -a everyone -t group lpadmin

New Contributor II

I just had my first report of a computer doing this. They also are on 13.4. In this case, it is a local account utilizing Jamf Connect for the kerberos ticket.

Currently experiencing this in my environment as well using local accounts and Jamf Connect. 

New Contributor

I have put together a script to be run as a policy via self service which temporarily adds the user to the lpadmin group so they can print and then removes them as after printing once the problem seems to go away. I'll post it here but be aware although it appears to work in testing I haven't had the opportunity to try it out on my users...


#               Script to fix 13.4 requirement  
#  'Printer Proxy is trying to modify the Printer settings'
#      by temporarily elevating user to lpadmin group
#                      by Antony Nelson 
#   Known limitation, if the computer is reboot during the
#            script user elevation will remain
CANCEL=`echo "button returned:Cancel"`
YES=`echo "button returned:Yes"`
answer=`/usr/bin/osascript <<-EOF
    display dialog "Following this work flow will solve the 'Printer Proxy is trying to modify the Printer settings' error when printing. Please follow all instructions carefully." buttons {"OK", "Cancel"}
if [ "$answer" == "$CANCEL" ] ; then
echo "User clicked Cancel"
exit 0
loggedInUser=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 } ')
sudo /usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -a $loggedInUser -t user lpadmin
answer=`/usr/bin/osascript <<-EOF
    display dialog "Please print a document now." buttons {"OK", "Cancel"}
if [ "$answer" == "$CANCEL" ] ; then
echo "User clicked Cancel"
    sudo /usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -d $loggedInUser -t user lpadmin
exit 0
while [[ "$answer" != "$YES" ]]
   sleep 120
   answer=`/usr/bin/osascript <<-EOF
    display dialog "Have You printed a document?" buttons {"No", "Yes", "Cancel"}
   if [ "$answer" == "$CANCEL" ] ; then
echo "User clicked Cancel"
    sudo /usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -d $loggedInUser -t user lpadmin
exit 0
sudo /usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -d $loggedInUser -t user lpadmin
echo "Work Flow completed"
exit 0

New Contributor III

We just got our first report of this issue today. The user very recently updated from macOS Monterey 12.6.5 to 12.6.6 before it started. Using local accounts and Jamf Connect. Hoping someone may find an answer or solution that doesn't require making them print admins, even temporarily.

New Contributor III

Update: I added the user to the lpadmin group and the next time they attempted to print they didn't get the prompt and were able to print successfully. I then removed them from the lpadmin group and the next time they attempted to print they got the prompt again. Sounds like I need to keep them in that group until whatever is causing this is fixed or there is a real solution.