Probably found my JSS issue but don't know how to fix it

Contributor III

Hello everyone,
sorry if I keep writing but I think I have discovered the problem my JSS is experiencing and why clients did not check in against JSS to run policies.

I then went the wrong way and messed up a little the distribution points while the issue is within the database.

In the management framework settings of a newly installed "default" JSS database I have this option to change the client check in frequency

![external image link](attachments/ba15e4da7054415bb418ed1d4b5a0dd1)

Within my JSS with the current DB I have these setting

![external image link](attachments/320516d8a23747efa87e24608b05b309)

If I click Manage Scheduled task I get this

![external image link](attachments/be267afdbf3e4510a890720466ed8043)

But I can't actually assign a schedule to clients so that they regularly check in.

Plus when opening "Scheduled Tasks created by The Casper Suite" I see this

![external image link](attachments/dc26c8ada2fa40c9b72cfeb34c3e77d7)

There are some task which are not defined (unknown and one blacklist*)

Is there a way I can edit scheduled task to fix both the checkin frequency and the unknown scheduled task?

Many thanks again for your attention


Esteemed Contributor III

Hi Carlo,

I was under the impression you could only have one scheduled task in JSS? We had one for "every15" and one for "every60" and were having tons of issues. JAMF helped us troubleshoot, and in the end we removed the multiple schedules and decided on a single "every30" schedule. Problems went away.

