Problem upgrade to 10.8.3 on server

New Contributor


I have at Mac Pro that I use as a sever with bounded network cards and a fiber channel card that hooks it up to our storage. I don’t use any internal storage on the workstation but there is at standard sata hdd connected. When I installed this server there was a lot of work to get it to work. The fiber channel card was old and there was no easy way to get a installation on to the volumes in the storage. Now I need to upgrade to mountain lion for sus but there is a problem. The installation starts, the server reboots and it seems to work just until the end of the installation An error shows which says that the recovery partition can’t be created so the installation failed. There is a link to apple that says that raid is a problem but the installation should work anyway( Has anyone else had this problem and find a way to upgrade to mountain lion whiteout redo the hole installation?

I also have a second questions, If I remember correctly I have read that bounded network cards don’t work in 10.8. Is there some kind of documents that Apple has with known issues and issues that has been solved in updates for Mac OS X?
