Posted on 02-11-2025 11:19 AM
Dear all,
I am trying to deploy Cisco Secure Endpoint Connector v 1.24 via JAMF. I try to deploy a configuration profile to give the app full disk permission, install the kernel extension and something else. I tried to use this documentation for that: < Approval of the Mac Connector macOS Extensions with MDM > and < Approval of Full Disk Access for the Connector with MDM >. Unfortunately it is the documentation for version 1.18 and from 2022. But there is no newer documentation available.
After trying to deploy the profile to a Mac with Sequoia 15.3 I get the feedback from JAMF: "The current system configuration does not allow the requested operation". (Die aktuelle Systemkonfiguration erlaubt den angeforderten Vorgang nicht). The MacBook is an Apple M1 hardware.
Can someone help me to find my issue?