Problems with VPP (maybe since Update to Jamf Pro 11.3.2)

New Contributor

Yesterday I noticed that I am unable to download VPP Apps via Self Service. My users get an instant error when they try to install a VPP App. 
I did some further investigation an I found some more strange behaviour:

#1 Trying to add a new VPP App in Jamf pro. Computer -> Mac Apps -> Add new App -> searching is ok and it will list me items. But when I try to add an App it will result in a timeout

#2 I tried to renew the VPP token. When I try to upload it in Jamf Pro Settings I get 500 error. 

Any ideas?

Kind regards


New Contributor III

Are you Jamf Cloud, or OnPrem?

I'm wondering if it's worth raising a case to Jamf - they might see something in your logs that require a server restart to fix a problem.

I had an issue in my sandbox where one App wasn't pulling through - Jamf advised me is was because the ADCS connector errors (we were trying to get it up and running) were causing performance issues.


Have you recently changed your ABM/ASM password? I know that requires a token renewal, but you say you've tried that and it fails.

If you're on-prem, you could restart the servers yourself if you're happy to do that without Jamf Support advising it, but JamfCloud - they need to do it

New Contributor

Thanks for the response.
Yes, I am OnPrem and I already restarted the server.
We did not change the Password on ABM. and renewal of Token doesn't work (as stated in my first post)

I will create a Jamf Case.

Kind regards
