Push Out Image File?


Ok, totally new to Casper so please try not to judge. Is it possible to push out an image across my network? I can't seem to find a way to do it?


Valued Contributor II

Do you mean an image, like .jpg or a compiled OS? Either is possible, but the details of what your trying to push/install and where are going to let us know how to respond. ;-)


Sorry, I should have been much more clear. I have an OS Image that I would like to push out to a set of machines. I created the OS using composer and I have the dmg file ready. I just need to find out how to image those machine with that created image


Sorry, I should have been much more clear. I have an OS Image that I would like to push out to a set of machines. I created the OS using composer and I have the dmg file ready. I just need to find out how to image those machine with that created image

Valued Contributor II

Ahhh... sorry for taking so long to get back to this post. This is actually very simple using the Casper Imaging app. You can either netboot a unit and image form there, or boot from an external HDD with Casper Imaging installed. It's very very simple but if you need any guidance there is really good documentation right from JAMF in the resource kit or from the resources section (http://www.jamfsoftware.com/resources/). Also, JAMF can give you some remote lessons if you can't get either a jumpstart or attend any of the JAMF certifications. There's a lot that can be done very easily with this suite!

Valued Contributor II

I recommend netbooting them if you're doing any imaging in quantity.