Push Proxy Certificate Unable to Renew is back

New Contributor III

Getting the notification that the Push Proxy Cert is expired. Been getting this for the last 2 weeks since the update to Jamf Pro Cloud Version11.4.2-t1713554080

Went into Global > Push Certificates, clicked on Push Proxy Settings, clicked renew, and am watching the endless spinning.

  • Logged into Jamf to make sure the account used to make the cert is correct
  • Deleted the cert and re-added it with a fresh date, then next day got the alert again
  • Verified connection in the Global > Cloud Services connection, updated credentials as well

At a loss here how to fix this. 



@Ahadub - It's advisable to promptly submit a case to Jamf Support, as this issue may need to be resolved either through troubleshooting by a Support engineer or with involvement from the Jamf Cloud team.

New Contributor II

Were you able to resolve this? 

New Contributor II

For anyone who might find this thread:
"Hi _M, Thanks for taking the time to write in. My name is [Jamf Technical Support Specialist] and I’ll be assisting with this case. The behavior that we’re seeing with the Push Proxy and the package downloads error appears to be consistent with a possible product issue. Sometimes when a Jamf Pro instance doesn't fully start up, the push proxy can find itself in a state where it does not auto renew. I’ve submitted a request to pull the logs from your instance as they should reveal this information. We are working with our Cloud Operations team to confirm if this PI will require a rolling restart of the Jamf Pro server to initialize it properly..."

New Contributor III

They rebooted the cloud and now I am not seeing that issue.  Annoying that 1st level seemed unaware of this very common issue and resolution.  We went weeks before they would reboot.

New Contributor II

I think your struggle expedited my resolution. I only wish I would have found your post earlier. It would have saved me some time. Sorry, but thanks! I am back up after the reboot too.