Question for all K-12 Casper Admins

Valued Contributor III

Hi all,
I wanted to take a kind of survey of Casper admins in K-12 and how they manage computers. If you have a moment I'm quite interested in the responses.

  1. Do you have a one-to-one program?
  2. Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
  3. Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
  4. What district and state are you from?
  5. How many macs do you have?

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

New Contributor III

Do you have a one-to-one program?
- iPads: 6-8 yes, 1-5 is all day access so each kid has their own in the classroom, but the device doesn't go home.
- MacBooks are fading away. We have a few hundred in use still, mostly dedicated as floating labs (music class uses Finale + Garageband, Science uses some flash-based simulations, etc).
Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
- Student accounts do not have admin access, so they can install items to the User/Applications folder, but that gets wiped regularly. The accounts are generic "student" accounts, they do not authenticate with their AD usernames.
Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
- Faculty do have admin access.
What district and state are you from?
- KCSD96, Illinois
How many macs do you have?
- 300 certified staff (2014 Macbook Airs), probably another 40-50 in offices, libraries, etc, (various iMacs or white MacBooks) and 400 or so white macbooks (2009) in rotation around the buildings in mobile carts.


Do you have a one-to-one program?
1-1 for grades 5-12. There are several iPad and MacBook carts available for use in PreK-4 - this is closer to a 1-2 ratio
Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
Yes. The staff accounts are not admin level, but they are able to obtain admin privileges through self service. ( Thanks @Andrina ) They mostly use this escalation in privelege to install MacKeeper. :(
What district and state are you from?
Grand Rapids Christian Schools, MI
How many macs do you have?

It might be worth adding that we also do not allow the students to install MAS apps on their devices. Students are able to request software which is then made available in Self Service if approved. The vetting process for additional software considers educational relevance and bandwidth requirements.


Do you have a one-to-one program? iPads
Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access) No
Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access) Yes, they have admin access
What district and state are you from? Pajaro Valley, CA
How many macs do you have? 55


Do you have a one-to-one program?
Yes. K-2 is iPad mini, 3-12 is iPad 2. We're currently piloting a rollout of 11" MacBook Airs in our 10th grade.

Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access)

Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access)

What district and state are you from?
Spring Lake Park Schools, Minnesota

How many macs do you have?
~950, with the possibility of expanding to ~1900.

New Contributor II

Do you have a one-to-one program?
Yes. 6-12 have MacBook Airs, and K-5 is more of a 1:3 with the use of floating carts and dedicated labs.

Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin Access)
No. We also limit where applications can be run from on the computers as well.

Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin Access)
No. Staff do have the ability to request that software be installed on their computers if the software is not available through Self Service. If there is a software title that is being commonly requested, then we will make it available through Self Service. This also allows us to test any software titles to make sure that the software will not cause issues on the network and on the staff member's computer.

What district and state are you from?
Farmington Municipal Schools, New Mexico

How many Macs do you have?
We currently have around 10,500 Macs deployed.

New Contributor

Do you have a one-to-one program?
Yes (BYOD Students and supplied to some staff)
Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
Yes (They own the machine) with some specific applications restricted
Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
What district and state are you from?
Australia NSW (New South Wales)
How many macs do you have?

Contributor II

Do you have a one-to-one program?
Yes, 3rd thru 8th. iPads 3-5, MBA11 6-8

Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
No admin, App Store only

Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access)

What district and state are you from?
D135 Illinois

How many macs do you have?
2900 macs, 2800 iPads, roughly

James Butler


Do you have a one-to-one program? Yes, 1-6: iPads, 4-6: Macs, 7-12: Macs, Staff: Macs
Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access) Yes
Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access) Yes
What district and state are you from? Victoria, Australia
How many macs do you have? 850

New Contributor

@lwindram Put MacKeeper on the restricted software list. :)


Do you have a one-to-one program? Yes
Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access) Not admin, though several apps are available in Self Service, plus all users have printer management permissions.
Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access) Not admin, though many apps are in Self Service and more can be requested.

New Contributor III

Do you have a one-to-one program?
Not even close, though it could be argued that we do one-to-one with faculty, but only since about three weeks ago, and even then classified (Special Education Assistants, etc) or part time staff have no devices, even simple ones like iPads or Chromebooks.

Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
A few groups of students have permissions, but for the most part, no, students (especially middle schoolers <shakes fist at sky>) are prevented from installing anything given that they all share devices and labs. There are exceptions, mostly at the high school level, for example, yearbook students are admins in the yearbook lab. Our students are using Windows desktops and Chromebooks by and large. The four student Mac labs that we have come preinstalled with the programs they'll be using and with DEP/VPP it's now easier for us to just push apps to the Macs and not worry about teachers instructing students how to do it. If we were to go one-to-one we'd probably let them do whatever they want within certain boundaries.

Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
Yes, faculty are full admins on Windows, Mac OSX/iOS, and Chrome devices

What district and state are you from?
Lake Oswego School District, OR

How many macs do you have?
327 Macbook Airs (teachers), 80 iMac (shared art labs), ~1,000 ipads (Some teacher, mostly students in shared carts)

New Contributor II

Do you have a one-to-one program?
In year 3 of 1-1 K-12
K-3 iPad Mini (600)
4-8 iPad (750)
9-12 MacBookAir 11" (720)
Staff 13" MBA (120)
Staff iMac (80)

Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access) Yes, Students are Local Admins of their MBA

Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access) Yes, Teachers are also Local Admins of their Mac

What district and state are you from?
Thief River Falls, MN (graduate of Princeton if you're in MN)

How many macs do you have? 720 11" MBA
120 13" MBA
660 Assorted Macs
1400 iPads

With Casper Imaging we can remake a Mac for Staff or Students in 4 minutes
If they happen to install something or have their Browser Hijacked and it can't be fixed in 5 minutes we Re-Image

Contributor II

Do you have a one-to-one program?
Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
No admin but Self service & Mac App Store
Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access)
Some - Administration but not teachers - Self Service & Mac App Store
What district and state are you from?
Shakopee Minnesota ISD720
How many macs do you have?
1600 Macs - adding 2400 next year

Contributor III

Do you have a one-to-one program? No
Do you allow students to install apps on computers? No
Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? Yes, they have admin access
What district and state are you from? Ohio
How many macs do you have? Over 10,000

Valued Contributor

Do you have a one-to-one program? No
Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access) No
Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access) No
What district and state are you from? Utica Community Schools, Michigan
How many macs do you have? 4500 OSX, 2000 IOS

Valued Contributor II

Do you have a one-to-one program? Yes
Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access) No
Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access) No
What district and state are you from? PA
How many macs do you have? 6500 OSX, 1000 IOS

New Contributor II

Do you have a one-to-one program? Yes. 6-12

Do you allow students to install apps on computers? No

Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? No, but I would like that to change. Must work on SuperAdmin

What district and state are you from?Unity in Balsam Lake, WI

How many macs do you have?500

New Contributor III

Do you have a one-to-one program? Yes. We currently have 1:1 in grades 3-12. Grades 3-5 do not take their laptops home however. We have MacBook Airs.

Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access) No. We restrict what software is allowed to run as well. I use Configuration Profiles to do the management. We do provide a way for teachers or schools to request software to be added to the students computers, but I first test it to make sure it works with our network and AD Mobile Accounts.

Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access) Faculty members are admin users on their laptops only. They are not admin users on any other computer.

What district and state are you from? Park City School District. Park City, UT

How many macs do you have? We currently have 5,000 iMacs, MacBook Airs, and MacBook Pros.

Valued Contributor III

Do you have a one-to-one program? iPad 9-12, expanding to 7-8. Considering 1:1 or 2:1 for lower grades
Do you allow students to install apps on computers? (Admin access) No
Do you allow faculty to install apps on computers? (Admin access) Yes
What district and state are you from? Glastonbury CT
How many macs do you have? 200 Mac, 3500 iPad

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