Question on ports , firewalls and the JSS

Contributor III

I'm curious as to why I'm seeing both Apple's 17.x.x.x. block and our clients hitting our JSS server on tons of different ports. Most of the ports are listed as iChat, Quicktime, Facetime, GameCenter ports on Apple port list (some are not on that at all which leads me to believe that it isn't up-to-date). Most of these are being blocked by our firewall.

Our JSS is outside facing and has an external IP AND everything seems to be working. I was just wondering why these services need to hit the JSS server?


Valued Contributor II

Valued Contributor II

Contributor III

Thanks for that link. We do have the JSS working OK.

I had the external IP address of our server and our NAT'd client IP swapped in my head.

After more is clients on our Public WiFi trying to Facetime clients on our Secured Wifi. Public has access to the Internet only so they get routed out of the network and then are trying to come back in and getting blocked. Hence why we see so many Facetime/iChat used ports. All is working as intended.