Posted on 11-14-2018 09:18 AM
In my enrollment process I have one policy that upgrades to Mojave(actually the last one)
I don´t want any user notification so I have just added the parameters --agreetolicense -nouserinteraction to the installation.
But the problem is that Mojave want to restart, but the quickadd package is still running and is not allowing this to happend. Is there somehow are workarround for this. The best would be the quickadd package would close and then the mac restart and install mojave.
Posted on 11-15-2018 02:23 AM
Anyone have an idea?
Posted on 11-15-2018 02:45 AM
Is it the quickadd or policy process that runs? do a tail -f /var/log/jamf.log so you can check what it's working on.