QuickAdd package Not Completing

Not applicable

Hi everyone

I have created a new quickadd pkg and for some reason it does not complete the installation and hangs on finishing install and gives no errors. It will hang on this part of the package install forever (left it last night and still running this morning) and does not submit anything to the jss. I have looked in the package contents and the script seems to look fine, the username and password and jss location is correct but not sure why this happens. If I run a recon from the local machine in question it submits to the jss perfectly well.



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Release Candidate Programs Tester

Just create a policy that runs at a regular interval that reports to the jss.

There is a command available to the jamf binary (can't remeber what it is).

But type: jamf -help & you should see it.

It'll be a one like script.

