Quicktime losing its pro status after imaging

Not applicable

I've created a Final Cut Studio Pro dmg. After imaging a workstation we discovered that Quicktime Pro did not retain its pro status. Any ideas where this information is kept so it can be added to the image or removed from the Final Cut package for insertion.
Robyn O. Berland, Manager
35 W 4th Street, 2nd Floor
Fourth Street Academic Technology Center
New York, NY 10012
t: 212-998-3396
c: 646-772-4313
f: 212-995-4987
e: robyn.berland at nyu.edu


Not applicable

Unfortunately, I do not have registration information for QT since it was upgraded to Pro automatically with the installation of FCS. I don't have a valid number to use either to track down the file(s) that is updated to indicate that quicktime is now a pro app or to use as a Managed Preference.

New Contributor III

It is in /Library/Preferences/com.apple.QuickTime.plist

I pulled it out into its own package and changed the priority so it
installs towards the end.
