Rapid_7 agent app

New Contributor

I have installed rapid7 using jamf cloud. But the application is not showing up under each user's app installed. I know on windows, you can see it from intune and also you can see the app in control panel of any windows machine.

On macs, you have to look at a specific directory to see if the agent is installed. 

Do you guys have any idea why that is happening?


Valued Contributor II

This might be of some help.

# A script to collect the Version of Rapid7 Insight. #


if [ -e "${DIRECTORY}" ]; then
    RESULT=$(/opt/rapid7/ir_agent/components/insight_agent/insight_agent --version | awk '/Semantic/ {print $3}')

echo "<result>${RESULT}</result>"

exit 0

@jhbush, Thanks for the help.

That would helpful in some other way I guess. I just don't understand why Rapid_7 insight agent does not show under the user machine on Jamf cloud for a quick look.

But thanks again.