Real Doozy PreStage Imaging Pulling Ghost Names..

New Contributor III

So thought I might post this now due to the fact I always forget until its time to image new computers and I run into this issue again

PreStage Imaging Will randomly pull ghost names for the computer

so we have a list in the PreStage that they should pull should be something like 2020-XXX

every few computers it will randomly pull a name from one of the other groups..sometimes its a name that does not even exist any more like ElemTeacher-XXX who left two years ago

the computers that this happen to have never been assigned to the random name they pull and some have never even been in the same building before

It's totally random sometimes we get through 20 computers before it happens sometimes we get through 5 it did it to a Air that was fresh out of the box from apple as well So I am really confused any Ideas?